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Subject: Annual State of Hawaii Wharfage & Port Security Fee Effective July 1, 2024



Dear Valued Customer:


The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, in connection with the Harbors Division’s financing plan for its Harbors Modernization Program, announced they will implement an increase of 3.9% to the wharfage and port security fees, effective July 1, 2024. To mirror these State fee increases, the ocean carriers will increase their related charges by the identical amounts on July 1, 2024.


DHX-Dependable Hawaiian Express will pass through these State fees for shipments sailing on and after Saturday, July 1, 2024. Although this is a 3.9% increase by the State, we will be increasing our less-than-container loads (LCL) wharfage fees by $.01 per cubic foot for all islands, which amounts to less than a 2% increase on wharfage. For full container loads (FCL), costs will be passed through at cost.


We will pass on at cost the Port Facility Security Fee increase for FCL at $25.11 for Oahu and $37.68 for Outer Island shipments sailing on and after Saturday, July 1, 2024. For LCL, there will be an increase of $.01 per cubic foot for the Outer Islands only. As we have done for the past three years, we will again absorb the increase for LCL to Oahu.


Should you have additional questions, please contact your Account Executive, local sales office, or our Corporate Customer Service Center at 800-488-4888, Ext. 2020, or email us at


Thank you in advance for your understanding and continued business.